Today I Got the whole world in my hands





Today my world opened up to “the” world. Today I learned something. I though my Face Book presence was far-reaching, and was my key that opened a door to the world (my world nevertheless).


Today I got “the whole world”. Not just friends who lived in faraway countries, but people I don’t know but I will get to share my voice with. People who are interested in what my voice says, whose own voices might even match mine or support mine. People who may even enjoy and look forward to hearing (reading) mine.


It goes by the name of “blogging”. I’ve made it! I have my own website and I can write whatever I want and there will be “somebody” out there in the world who will read it.


But let me not get too much caught up in my own sense of importance and forget the very reason, the motivation that gave birth to my 2 year gestational period of growing ideas, thoughts, advice and little insights into my beliefs that I would like my grandchildren to glance at, be aware of, and even share an interest in.


I will get my background down first. This is essential for my first blog.


I was born in 1957, which puts me into the latter cusp of baby boomers. There is a lot written about demographics these days, and so that is where I sit. My family was nuclear. Two parents, and a twin sister. My upbringing was comfortable in the scheme of things. My parents were strict, and yet we seemed to get away with all sorts of fun, adventurous, naughty and downright dangerous activities,which were not as dangerous as they would be nowadays.


Yet there were still certain things one did not do. Live together being unmarried, openly talk about sex and most of all engage in intimate behaviour with boyfriends under my parents’ roof.


I married at the age of 21. I had my first child at 21. That was a scandal in itself but this “co-incidence” was not really discussed or brought up by family members.
My second child followed at 23. My third child followed at 33. I raised children from 1978 until 2013 when my youngest left home to cross the country to Perth, to take up post graduate employment.


Apart from doing this, what else did I do? Anything I could to help feed the family and supplement my husband’s teaching income. Picking and packing in a warehouse, data entry at night, clerical in a bank, accounting and bookkeeping. Writing? Travel? Tertiary studies?


N – O! What can I possibly offer the world of powerfully opinionated, learned, intelligent, talented females, that would be of any worth or interest?


Don’t get me wrong about powerful, talented, educated, opinionated females. I surround myself with them. I love them. In fact, these days I travel to meet these women. I Face Book friend them.
I am fascinated by them, and hope to become a sponge soaking up their wisdom and knowledge of the world.


However to write my own blog I cannot pretend I know what they know. I have to write about what I know and believe. I have to find my passion.


Ok, so far so good. Find my passion. Mmmm….. I like certain things, but I would not say they are my passion. That’s it! My grandchildren! They are my passion. My thoughts, love, generosity of giving my time, myself, and my unconditional love all point to this one passion.


There are so many amazing women whose passions I admire and am a little envious of their ability to hold a group of people spellbound by their words. I cannot do that (I think).


Then I realise that I do have something that is special. I have such a connection from my heart, mind and very soul straight to the hearts, minds and souls of my grandchildren. There are 2 so far. My granddaughter is 5 and my grandson is 2.


A good place to start, I think. I am in my 50’s and I feel young still, am fairly fit and through life’s little up and downs, find myself about to start a new beginning of my life, being single.


I am an adult, but like a child student, I am learning about who I am and learning to trust my instincts, and not to have the need to lean on another person to fulfil my needs. By the way, my needs have changed and become brand new much simpler needs.


My beliefs have become more aimed towards spirituality, and my world is full of wonder and childlike excitement with my new learnings.
I believe that the Power greater than humanity, God to me, has awakened some parts of me to have courage to go forth to scary places ( physically and emotionally) to point me towards wonderful learnings.


I hope the world enjoys my learnings, as much as I do.





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